

Hack challenges is a website where teenagers between 10 and 16 years old can learn more about cybersecurity in a cool and fun way by solving challenges.
The current CTF code is 'GoHackMe' (without quotes)

Howdy! Ready to solve challenges in the categories of hacking, forensics, crypto, and coding? Hopefully, you will enjoy learning more about these topics, and you will soon know which digital dangers to be aware of on the internet. While playing the challenges, you will learn, for example, that everything you post on the internet will remain there forever (yes, including that nasty comment you left below a YouTube video) or how a hacker could access your account when the name of your favorite football club is your password.

Ready to start? Click on the title of a challenge to enter the challenges. You'll see a page with an explanation of how to get the flag. Getting the flag is the same as the people who visited the moon for the first time; as soon as they arrived, they planted a flag in the soil, meaning that they had now "conquered" this area. This is also the case with a Capture the Flag, but then the flags are "digital flags" in the form of flag{text}. Found this piece of text after solving the challenge? That means you have successfully solved the challenge! Entering this flag in the input field below the challenge title will give you a certain amount of points varying from 20 to 75 and increase your score by that amount. On the scoreboard, the scores of all your classmates will be visible.

Teachers can request a code for a class by filling in this form. With a CTF code, your students can register for the challenges, and only the kids in your class will be featured on the leader board. In addition, the teacher module will give access to the progress of the students and the solutions to the challenges.

Hackchallenges is a hobby project developed by ethical hacker Sanne Maasakkers (twitter or linkedin), to increase the security awareness of children and inspire them to choose a career in IT.

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